While the world and the job market are changing, there are still some skills that will make you valuable in the present and in the future. One of the ways to become and stay successful is by opening as many doors to opportunity as possible by learning valuable soft and hard skills.

Hard skills are easy to understand but soft skills are how you interact and function with your colleagues at work. Here are some of the most valuable career skills that will get you that raise

1. TECH Skills

The industry for this skill continues to grow as software operations specialists, application developers, business intelligence specialists have become the centre of work.

Some of the hottest tech skills to have in 2022 are basic programming skills, UI/UX design, data engineering, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and cloud computing. You can learn the basics of these skills on the internet for free. 

2. Digital Marketing

Sales are ultimately what keeps most companies profitable and many companies are realizing the important role digital marketing plays.

They are regularly looking for people with strong search engine optimization and marketing skills to increase their company’s visibility and web presence. Higher visibility means more customers for greater revenue.

3. Language Translation

There is an increasing number of opportunities to work as a translator due to companies creating localized content for global markets.

Some companies are also looking to expand their services in different countries. To succeed as a translator, you will need to be fluent in both the language you are translating from and the language you are translating into.

4. Video Production

Recording, editing, and producing videos are valuable modern skills. Video producers and animators are in high demand due to the need for visual effects in television, movies, video games, and online outlets.

Due to the increase in video engagement online, brands are creating – or doubling down on – their own video marketing strategies. 

5. Soft Skills

Employers still place a high priority on soft skills, which are influenced more by personality than education.

In a changing job market, critical thinking, oral and written communication, creativity, teamwork, professionalism, and leadership skills may be the most valuable soft skills for 2022. A major reason soft skills are so highly regarded is that they facilitate human interactions.

Final Thoughts

Finding the right balance and focusing on the skills most desired in your chosen field is the key to getting ahead. Developing both your hard and soft skills will boost your marketability to potential employers and make you more effective at whatever job you do.

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