3 Things This Week

3 Things This Week

Welcome to this week’s edition of BRAVEWOOD’s 3TTW series.

Redefining Success

We all have different definitions of success. For some, it’s an amount of money in the bank, a position at work, or even a house with four kids and a puppy.

While these things are great, they’re also finite. When you reach those goals, what next?

True success should be a measure of growth; making sure you’re better today than you were yesterday, in the things that are important to you.

The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.

– John Foster Dulles

The Right Mindset

Your mental perspective and how you view things determine whether you will be successful.

This is because for you to be successful, there’s a right way to think and respond to situations. You must develop the character traits that will set you up for success.

This week’s article teaches how to make the necessary mindset shift and start on your path to success.

Success Habits

Contrary to popular perception, success does not happen overnight. In reality, success is the product of quality time spent building certain habits.

If you want to see different results, you need to make changes to your daily routine and lifestyle that will reflect in the long term.

In this video, bestselling author and psychologist Brian Tracy sheds light on 7 key habits of successful people.

One more thing…

You don’t get rich just by earning large sums of money. True wealth is created from the positive and consistent financial habits you practice even when you have little.

The good news is that with as little as N50,000, you can start your journey to financial success.

Download our app from the App Store, or Google PlayStore or visit www.bravewood.ng today to safely earn and grow your wealth with our compound interest model.

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