10 Reasons to have an Investment Plan for your child

10 Reasons to have an Investment Plan for your child

Having an investment plan for your child can be very challenging due to the myriad of expenses crying out to you as a parent. Understandably, a lot of needs have to be met in the home, however, this shouldn’t take the place of giving your children the best education you can give them.

Are you that kind of parent or couple wondering why you need to plan an educational investment for your child? Or have you been asking yourself “How can I invest in my child’s education? Then, join us as we explore 10 compelling reasons why you should have an investment plan for your child and how you can make this a reality.

Let’s dive right into it. 

Why You Should Have an Investment Plan for Your Child

1. Rising Education Costs

One thing that never stops increasing is the cost of things. the reason for this is the inflation in every economy of the world. Your child’s educational costs are not left out in this cycle. Staying ahead in these rising costs requires you to have a plan for your children’s education. With a Bravewood child investment account, you can confidently plan a future for your child amidst the rising cost of things.

2. Emergency Preparedness

Having a financial plan for your child’s education means you’re ready for unexpected situations. You should consider making this plan as early as possible ahead of unforeseen events like health emergencies which can exhaust your existing cash at hand. Honestly, this event doesn’t pause bills from your child’s education. Planning ahead by already having an investment for their educational needs is the best way to tackle it.

3. Opportunities for Better School

Investing in your child’s education gives them a chance at better schools, which can shape their future. The quality of your child’s education is strongly dependent on this. Some parents dream of their kids attending great schools, but this only ends as a dream for them because they lack the required finances for it. A well-executed investment plan can make it happen.

4. Encouraging Academic Success

Uncertainty about their education can stress out kids, fearing they might get sent home or drop out of school for unpaid fees. This situation can seriously affect their academic performance. When they know their education is secure, they’re more motivated to do well in school. A financial plan for your child is the key to solving this problem.

5. Peace of Mind

Think about the joy you get seeing your children happily on their way to school. Imagine the peace of mind it gives you. This peace of mind is the feeling of fulfillment you get because you’re taking proactive steps to secure your future. Your child’s education should be a top priority for you, a long-term investment plan even before their birth secures their future.

6. Financial Discipline

When there’s a need to keep a certain amount of money monthly, a certain level of discipline will be formed in you. You won’t want to spend money at the rate you normally do because of your commitment to your child’s welfare. Creating a plan for your child’s education compels you to become financially disciplined. This helps you stay on track with your financial goals. Financial discipline is also crucial if you are looking to build wealth.

7. Education Choices

Most parents end up sending their kids to public schools or the type they don’t originally want not because of no financial plan for their kid’s education. As a parent, having a financial plan for your kids opens up more educational opportunities for them, even studying abroad would become an option if well-planned. Without any plans, you might be forced to accept subpar options. But with a solid plan in place, you can explore better choices.

8. Career Opportunities

A good education sets the stage for successful careers and earning potential. After attending good schools, your child will be more confident and ready to take on a world full of opportunities. One of the deciding criteria for having a successful life and career hinges on the quality of education a person passes through. As a parent, you would surely want your children to have the best qualifications for career opportunities. Having a financial investment plan is the way to ensure this.

9. Legacy Building

Every thoughtful parent wants to leave a legacy for their children. Planning for your child’s education is a way to create a lasting legacy. Education is the best legacy you can give to your child. By investing in their education, you provide them with the tools to pursue their dreams and succeed in the future. It’s a gift that keeps on giving, ensuring your impact lasts beyond your lifetime.

10. Compound Interest

We’ve been talking about investment rather than savings because investing lets you put your money to work for you. Starting early allows your investments to grow with compound interest, increasing their value over time. Compound interest helps your investment interests pile up and when left for a long time, it can help cover more needs than when it is saved. When planning for your child’s education, investment plans with compound interest are your best choice.

Bravewood Child is the best investment platform in Nigeria tailored to cover the educational welfare of your child. Not only does it have compound interest, but it is also safe and tailored for your child’s educational welfare.

With Bravewood Child’s investment, you can be sure you’re fulfilling your role as a parent.

Not sure of what amount to invest? Try using our investment calculator.

Don’t have time to invest; No need to worry we have an auto-invest option that helps you automatically invest into your child’s account at the time you want.


How to Teach Children About Money – BRAVEWOOD Blog

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