Mike Tyson American former professional boxer

Michael Gerard Tyson is an American former professional boxer who competed from 1985 to 2005. Nicknamed “Iron Mike” and “Kid Dynamite” in his early career, and later known as “The Baddest Man on the Planet”, Tyson is considered to be one of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all time.

1. It Starts With Your Mindset

You may not have the skill at the moment to succeed with your goals, but as long as you have the right mindset, eventually, you will develop the level of skill needed to achieve that success.

Everything takes patience, and if you have the mindset and the attitude to stick with something and tell yourself it’ll work, then you’ll begin to become the master at that particular skill or craft. If you don’t have the correct mindset, adopt the correct mindset. 90% Mental, 10% physical.

2. Be Willing to Work Hard

It’s very easy to give in to the temptation of skipping something one day; training, extra hours of work, studying and such. Tyson would not give in to any temptations that would stop him from putting in the extra work needed.

Whilst you’re out partying and goofing off, someone else out there is working hard. You may not think it’s necessary, you may think skipping the extra little bit of effort a few days here and it is fine. But that small difference in effort may well determine whether you become the best, or not.

3. Don’t Just Dream, Commit to Your Dream

It’s very easy to have a desire for something or your dream. All it takes is a little bit of imagination. Nearly everyone has some sort of end goal or dream, but half of them aren’t committed to working towards it. They don’t want to put in the effort, the hard work that it takes, and most of all they don’t have a complete belief that it can be done.

Everyone has a plan, but only some will begin to put it to action, and only a minority of those people will stick with it after having to overcome any obstacles along the way.

4. Take Advantage of Every Opportunity

Far too many people miss their opportunities or completely waste their full stops. Not every opportunity comes around twice, some are offered up to you for a limited amount of time and then snapped back from your grasp.

You need to be willing to seize every opportunity that comes your way and set out to create any for yourself that you just don’t get given the break you needed. This way, you won’t regret turning anything down after realizing that the beautiful opportunity you were given isn’t going to come around again.

5. Don’t Worry About What Others Think

It doesn’t matter what other people may think or say about you. That’s their opinion, and the truth is that you know yourself more than anyone else. Are you happy with who you are? If so then what’s the problem?

Some people will like you, others may hate you. That’s their choice. You can’t let that stop you from being the person you want to be and doing the things you want to do. Anybody who’s ever been great always had people who hated them. Mike Tyson is one of those greats.

6. Believe That You Are the Best

Hardly anyone who has become successful told themselves they weren’t the best beforehand, and only then after succeeding started to say that they were. If you believe that you are the best as soon as you set out on your journey, this is ultimately the person you will become.

You will become the best by thinking you are the best. It has a positive effect on your mind, and you’re more likely to continue breaking through those walls holding you back from success. Because if you can’t do it, no one can.

Discipline, doing what you hate to do, but do it like you love it.
— Mike Tyson, in an interview with Wealthy Gorilla

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