The New Overwood Website

The New Overwood Website

Over the past couple of months, the OVERWOOD team worked on revamping the website to bring you more value with our services and improve your overall experience with us.



A survey taken on our old site showed most of our website visitors ended up on our contact us form, requesting for more information on our processes and what we invest in. This highlighted to us that key information about the brand wasn’t publicized.

We also got numerous requests on providing an estimate of return on investments with certain amounts as the principal. This led to the development and implementation of an idea as one of our new key features.

There was also little or no information about the brains behind the brand. It became apparent to us that even though we were delivering on our mission to democratize investments, there was still a level of trust missing between investors and the brand. We decided to fill the gap because apart from quality service, the complete trust of our investors in our brand is paramount.

While the old website had important features, from our surveys we realized it wasn’t fully effective and the best representation of the brand. This and many other factors snowballed the decision to make necessary improvements and add new features to benefit everyone.



The process

Before any changes were made, a survey was taken to determine the necessary steps to be taken that will keep the brand at an advantage and also be an asset to both current and potential investors. After numerous brainstorming sessions on ideas for the design, front and back end operations, upgrades, new features, and what we could achieve with it, we settled on changes that will best portray us as a brand you can trust with your investment always.

The next step was the execution. A lot of time and effort went into creating a website that would perform optimally without any glitch. Our tech team embraced this challenge day after day, and gradually all the pieces fell into place. After a few setbacks and rigorous testing stages, we finally arrived at the new and improved Overwood website.


The changes


Because “knowledge is power”, we decided to present possible investors with all the information they need at their fingertips, so they can always make informed decisions. You can learn more about our process, investment model, and how we create value for our clients from our website. You can also get a copy of our prospectus with just a click of a button. The process was automated to minimize waiting time.

The Overwood team

To build trust, we also included profiles of our board of directors, management, and team leads. Get to know more about the team that works behind the scenes to ensure brand effectiveness and quality service.

Investment calculator

Another great addition was our investment calculator. You can now simulate the daily growth of your funds over your preferred tenor. You also get to view a graph that shows the growth difference between what you earn with our daily compound interest model and just simple interest. This feature was added to help you predict your total gains when you invest with us.


Because Overwood’s priority is SAFETY, we upgraded all our security measures and added additional security features to ensure your funds and personal information are protected always.

Additional features

Other features added include current reports, the gains chart, and an investment chart with which you can monitor the growth of your investment daily on your dashboard.


At Overwood, we value all our investors. That is why we keep working hard to ensure you always get the value you deserve. Start your investment journey with Overwood here:

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